Posts Tagged ‘blog’

Why Don’t You Just Give Up?

July 12, 2010

As some of you know, I always go away on vacation for the entire month of July. Right now I’m writing this week’s blog while sitting on a breezy sunlit balcony, overlooking an oil-free (for now) Gulf of Mexico. I have to admit, the prospect of spending another 3 weeks with these same ‘harsh’ working conditions doesn’t suck ☺.

How can I afford the time and money to go on vacation for an entire month – and more importantly, how can you do it too? Easy. I made the decision to just give up! I threw my hands up and said. “NO MORE!”

No more:

  • Trying to do everything myself
  • Dealing with pain-in-the-ass clients
  • Keeping lousy employees
  • Wasting time on unprofitable work
  • Allowing people to waste my time
  • Dealing with other peoples emergencies
  • Doing $15/hour work
  • Excuses for not succeeding

When I finally gave up all that crap and fixed all those problems, a wonderful thing happened… I found myself with a whole lot more time and money.

I know this almost sounds waaaay too simple. You probably were looking for some super complicated formula, maybe a map to the holy grail, or the recipe for the secret sauce. But no. Just give up!

Just think of all the time you’re wasting dealing with bad employees and the problems they create? How much of your valuable skills are wasted doing work that could easily be handled by a low-wage employee or an outsourced provider with special skills that you don’t possess? How much time and energy is being sucked up dealing with folks that continue to be a pain-in-the ass, or just as bad, always ask you for favors or special pricing? If you spend just an hour a week dealing with each of these problems, you’re wasting over 360 hours per year (There’s your month-long vacation, plus plenty of extra days to play ‘hooky’ throughout the rest of the year!!!)

And please don’t discount what I’ve said here because you think ‘your situation is different’. It’s not. We all have challenges that we must overcome in one way or another. If a shop owner in rural Canada, 20 miles away from the closest town; a shop owner operating in the ‘poorest city in America’; and a shop owner surrounded by 42 other auto repair shops in the same two-mile radius can all figure out ways to create million dollar businesses – plus find the time to get away and travel – so can you.

Let me ask you, on the list above, what are you holding on to that is more important than you finally being able to accomplish all of your goals and dreams? What are you willing to give up in order to make the change?

Got comments? Please leave them below. I’d love to hear them.

Best, Ron Ipach, CinRon Marketing Group

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“People Haven’t Stopped Buying In This Recession. Auto Repair Shop Owners Have Just Stopped Selling!”

March 8, 2010

I believe I first heard the above quote from Dan Kennedy and I can’t think of a truer statement. This past Saturday afternoon, my wife and I went to the big Home & Garden show in Cincinnati to see if we could find lots of ideas for our huge bathroom remodel project that I finally agreed to do. Or I should say, Cindy wanted to get lots of design ideas. All I wanted was to find a contractor to do all the work for me. 😉

The first thing that struck me was how small the show had gotten. Normally two entire floors of the convention center were packed with landscapers, roofing contractors, remodelers, home entertainment companies, garden supply companies, decorators, etc; now they easily fit onto less than one. This is stupid crazy! If you have a product or service to offer, why wouldn’t you want to stand in front of hundreds or thousands of people who are interested in what you have to offer???

“But, but… in this economy, no one wants to spend any money on that stuff!” WRONG! The buyers were out in force. Every single vendor that I polled told me that they already collected dozens of qualified names from folks interested in getting quotes from them.

People are still buying. Are you still selling? (I wonder how many of the 13 vendors that I gave my contact info to will actually follow up with me?)

After the show, we decided we’d head down to one of Cincinnati’s landmark restaurants for some world-class ribs. Sheesh, what recession?? Six cars waiting in line for valet parking. A two-hour wait for a table in a restaurant that can probably serve a thousand guests per night. A place where a dinner for two will easily cost $100. We called six other nice restaurants around town and got the same 90-120 minute wait times. Are you kidding me?! “C’mon, NOBODY is spending any money! Why can’t I get a table at decent restaurant??”

While it is very true that folks are watching how they spend their money much more closely, but that doesn’t mean they’ve stopped spending it on what THEY WANT to spend money on. You just need to make sure that they want to spend their money on what you have to offer. (By the way; it should be obvious that if it is 100% true that your customers don’t have any money to spend on anything other than food, clothing and shelter, you’re going to have to get busy marketing to find new customers, right?)

The door has been left wide open for you and anyone else willing to set aside today’s ‘conventional thinking’ and cutting back on their marketing and selling. When everyone else seems to have stopped trying to be successful, it’s easy to step forward and take advantage of that.

Is it tougher today than it was in the past. YES. Can you succeed by relying on just the same old stuff you did in the past to market and sell your services? NO! It’s time to get real serious and pay attention to the new ways of doing business in this ‘New Economy’. Stay tuned. I’ve got lots of great stuff coming your way.

As always, I am here to help. Let me know what you need from me to help you succeed. Please enter your comments and questions below.

BTW, Did you watch my video and get started on my killer cheap new way to attract new customers that I sent to you a couple weeks ago? If not, CLICK HERE to watch it right now before I delete the video.

Best, Ron Ipach, CinRon Marketing Group

It’s a Very Good Time To Own A Good Auto Repair Business, But It’s A Very Bad Time To Own A Bad Auto Repair Business!

February 15, 2010

Sorry, but this week’s message is going to leave more than a few of you very uncomfortable, annoyed, and maybe a bit pissed off at me. If you’d rather not ruin your day by listening to me uncover several undeniable truths, go ahead and delete this message, unread. On the other hand, if your biz has been skidding on a rough patch lately and you’d like to know how to fix it; read, believe, and act on what I have to say here.

We just came through the single best stretch of economic boom in our history. Low unemployment. Job security. Overnight millionaires were created left and right. Times were good. Repair shop owners were doing well – even if they were sloppy with their marketing, sales, and systems. Their clients were making money, had job security, the future looked bright – so it really wasn’t too difficult to sell them services. Your only competition was the new car dealers that were attempting to sell your clients brand new cars. It was a good time to even be in a bad auto repair business.

But now the roof has caved in. High unemployment. Zero job security. Investment accounts wiped out. People in fear of losing their homes. The good news? People are now forced to keep their cars longer so they aren’t buying new cars – they MUST repair and maintain their current vehicles. More good news – you have less competition because thousands of shops have closed their doors all over the country.

The shops that are still doing well are succeeding because they didn’t need to rely on the economy to do well in the past. They built their businesses on a very strong foundation by building a database of great clients through highly targeted marketing, and then having properly trained sales staff, and put the systems in place to operate a solid business. If you’re in the top 20% of shops that are still doing well, woohoo! Congratulations! You’ve listened, took action, and are reaping the abundant rewards!!!

If your business is slipping right now, it’s because the good economy had propped you up and allowed you to get by with a lot of sloppy (or non-existent!) marketing, training, and/or systems. Now, the thread that had been keeping you in business (the good economy) is now being yanked on and your business is unraveling. For example, your lack of targeted marketing has now left you with a database of low-quality clients that now don’t have any money. Your lack of investment in relationship-building strategies in the past has left you with a small, shrinking list of non-loyal clients. Your poorly trained service advisor that did okay selling to folks when they had money, now struggles to sell even the most needed services.

Now, I realize that I’m generalizing here and if you’re struggling, it could be any one of several dozen reasons. The most important thing is that you take a good hard honest look at your business and get started fixing the problems – fast!!  Your only other option is to get pissed off at me for blaming you for your own problems, do nothing to change your situation, and hope and pray things get better on their own.

How can I help you? If you’re already doing well, what else can I do to help make your business better? If you’re struggling, what would you like to get from me that will help turn things around? Please let me know by writing your comments below.

Best, Ron Ipach

What Changes Have You Actually Made So Far?

February 1, 2010

According to your New Year’s resolutions, this is going to be your best year ever, right? So here we are, one month down, eleven more to go. So how are you doing so far?

Have you taken steps to make this year much better than last year? Have you put more focus on your marketing so you can attract more and better clients? Fired that crappy employee? Hired or trained your service writer? Hired a great new tech? Raised your prices? Fired your pain-in-the-ass customers? Cleaned up your shop? Read through and listened to the books and CDs that came with the auto repair marketing system for the second or third time so that you are reminded of all of the proven ideas on how to get more customers in your shop (or if you don’t have my system, have you at least read a book on marketing?)? Have you stopped doing what isn’t working? Have you sought out help from successful experts and fellow shop owners that are still doing well? Have you put together your plan of attack for the next 11 months?

On the personal side, are you spending less time at the shop and more time with your family? Have you lost a few of those pounds that you promised yourself that you’d lose? Are you eating better? Are you exercising every day? Are you having more fun?

If you know that you need to make some or all of those changes listed above but haven’t gotten started yet, why not? What the heck are you waiting for? These changes are up to YOU – no one else. Stop with the excuses and take full responsibility for your actions (or in-actions). It’s not too late to get started making those changes TODAY, is it?

Switching gears (pardon the pun), I just got back from what just might be one of the most thrilling weeks of my life, driving off road Baja challenge vehicles from Loreto to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. We drove about 560 miles over mountains, through streams and through desert pastures using the exact vehicles that just completed the Baja 1000 race this past November. When we weren’t maneuvering through dusty hairpin S-turns (going waaaay too fast!) or crawling over huge boulders, we were flying through cactus forest trails barely wide enough to fit in (and when I say fly, I mean going very fast – and – literally flying through the air over the many jumps that mother nature had carved into the landscape for us!!!).

Why am I telling you about this? Two reasons: First, to remind you that there is more to life than just working all the time. You need to go out and have some fun. And second, if you’re interested, I’m planning on putting together another trip to Baja sometime soon if I have enough interest from all of you. It’s expensive, but I promise you it’s a trip that you will NEVER forget!

I’ll be posting lots of pictures and videos of my trip on Facebook over the next few days. If you’re not already a ‘friend’, look me up and send me a request.

As always, I look forward to your comments. Please post them below.

Best, Ron Ipach, CinRon Marketing Group

It’s Business Reinvention-A-Palooza 2010 !!!

January 11, 2010

At the beginning of last year, I felt that it was time to reinvent my business all over again. The economy was tanking, shops were struggling, and I felt that I lost touch with many of my clients over the past few years.

I needed to take a long hard look at my business to see what changes were needed to make my business and the information that I provided to my clients even better. I looked at my business structures, business partners, vendors, employees, myself, and most importantly, my clients and the relationship that I had with them. While all of these areas required changes, by far the area I needed the most improvement on was with the relationship that I had with my clients.

I asked dozens and dozens of clients for brutally honest answers as to why the relationship I had with my clients was suffering – and that’s exactly what I got – brutality! “You’re always just trying to sell us stuff.” “All you want to do is make money.” “You don’t seem to care about us.” “You’re never accessible.” “You’ve lost touch.” “You’re an asshole.” And on and on… Ouch!

While hearing how some of my clients perceived me was really tough to listen to, this was actually great news because I could fix their perceptions by letting the ‘real me’ shine through. Here are the changes I’ve made in response since then – I’ve written 39 of these weekly messages to deliver free thought-provoking ideas designed to make your business and personal lives better. I flew all over the US and Canada putting on 13 dirt-cheap (only $97!) full-day info-packed seminars. I have more staff members available to answer all your questions. At my yearly big event, I did NOT have the usual endless lineup of speakers selling their products from the stage. When was the last time you got an email, fax, or mailer asking you to buy something from me?? And coming real soon – I’ll be GIVING AWAY (that means totally 100% FREE) all my marketing strategies on a weekly video series.

The result of all this? Lots of ‘lost’ clients are back. Clients are happier. Business is up (Apparently the less I try to sell, the more folks want to buy from me!?).

Have you seen the new Dominos Pizza commercials where they are attempting to do the same kind of thing? They have all the bigwigs of the company going on TV and admitting that we think their sauce tastes like ketchup and their crust tastes like cardboard! So why are they doing this? To reinvent their business. You see, Dominos had become stagnant. Their biggest advantage of quick delivery had been taken away by almost every pizza shop in every town in America. They had become just as invisible as that store that you drive by every day, but never seem to notice anymore.

They’ve stepped forward, made a huge damaging admission (that I personally feel is just a made up marketing ploy), made an apology, and are now introducing their brand new pizza recipes to the world. The result? Too soon to tell, but they did get me to order pizza from them for the first time in 4 years!

How about you? Is it time to reinvent all or part of your business? Is it time to step away from ‘business as usual’, ask the tough questions, and finally take actions on the much needed improvements that’ll make 2010 your best year ever?

On another note, I found it real interesting that my message last week about the ‘must do’ recipe for success in 2010 had more ‘requests to be removed’ from my email and fax list than any other in recent memory. I suppose that maybe it sounded like too much work?

I’d love to hear your thoughts on the subjects in this message or anything else. Please post them below (It also helps me know that you’re reading this and if I’m having a positive impact).

Ron Ipach
CinRon Marketing Group

It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!

December 21, 2009

I absolutely love this time of year! As I look out the window, there is snow on the ground and Christmas lights are glowing in the yards. Inside my house, Christmas music is playing, every room is beautifully decorated (that’s Cindy’s job), and there are dozens of presents already wrapped and under the tree (that’s my job!). Next to me on the desk I have a short list of last-minute gifts to seek out and a long list of supplies to pick up for the annual ‘Ipach Shack’ Christmas Eve party.

Cindy and I are some of those nut-balls that actually enjoy shopping for gifts on Black Friday when the stores are packed and parking spaces are at a premium. We’re well organized – a 3-page list(!) of family and friends to buy for, a list of cool ideas compiled from ‘secret’ side conversations with spouses, parents and friends while at Thanksgiving dinner, a list of who has what on sale, and an envelope filled with coupons from the Thanksgiving Day newspaper. Crazy, I know, but we have a blast every year doing it!

You know, it just occurred to me as I am writing this that this is the 20th straight year that Cindy and I have done this?! Twenty years ago, I was making less than $10K/year repairing windshields and Cindy made slightly more as a lab technician, yet we still got into the spirit in a big way. Sure, our list was a little smaller and the gifts were less expensive, but we didn’t let the lack of money get in our way.

It really is ‘the thought that counts’ when it comes to giving gifts. It definitely is NOT the amount of money you spend (I think the money folks are trying to spend on gifts has really gotten out of hand). More importantly, it’s the time you spend with your loved ones that may be the best gift of all. Christmas is a time for giving – no matter how big or how small, spending time with family and friends, appreciating everyone around you, and giving thanks to God for everything that you have.

If you haven’t gotten into the spirit yet, it’s not too late to get rid of that Scrooge in you. Remember how excited you were as a kid on Christmas morning and you saw all those presents under the tree? Well, why not try and create that same excitement for someone else this year? Tune into some Christmas music on the radio and put that same smile on your face that you had as a 5-year old on Christmas morning as you brave the traffic. Head to the toy store and pick up a few bags of toys and then on your way home, drop them off at the local homeless shelter. You never know, you might get just as excited about Christmas from giving these gifts, as these kids will be from getting them from you??

Also, I don’t want to leave out my friends that are also celebrating other holidays during this time of year, so Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanzaa, and Happy whatever-else-you-celebrate-this-time-of-year!

As always, please let me know what you think about this blog. I love to hear all your comments – good and bad. Please post them below.

Best, Ron Ipach – CinRon Marketing Group

Sometimes You Just Gotta Do What Ya Gotta Do!

December 14, 2009

Never ever, ever hire a friend. You’ve heard it before. I’ve heard it too. Three years ago, I thought ‘I was different, therefore that rule didn’t apply to me’ and I hired a friend. Eighteen months ago I had to have a very difficult and awkward conversation with him to inform him that the new business that I formed and hired him to run wasn’t working out, so I had to let him go.

A few years back I partnered up with my best friend to form a new company. Originally it seemed to be the perfect union, but you guessed, things went bad and a very difficult decision had to be made and we dissolved the company (and our friendship too).

Then, last year, I hired yet another friend to head up a new venture because I was so cocky that I was sure that these two previous experiences were nothing but flukes and the ‘don’t hire a friend’ rule still didn’t apply to me. Two weeks ago, again, I had to have another very difficult conversation with my dear friend that I had to let her go too. Gut wrenching to say the least.

I have a fairly new client who’s auto repair shop has taken a pretty severe nosedive over the past year. Car counts are down. Sales are way down. And because of the loyalty that he has for his large staff, who have been with him for several years, he refuses to let anyone go. To keep them busy (since he’s paying them hourly anyway), he’s spending thousands of dollars every month to advertise cheap $12 oil changes to attract customers that he already knows are low quality and will not spend any more money on their cars.

How about you? Is there a business venture that’s not working out? Are you over-staffed? Is there that ‘problem employee’ that you still haven’t gotten rid of? If so, why? Look, as a business owner, you take huge risks. You pour your blood, sweat and tears into your business. You make the difficult decisions. You get the blame when things go wrong. You are the one who spends the sleepless nights worrying about your business. And your reward for all of this… PROFIT! If there is anything standing in the way of your rewards, get rid of it. Grow a pair. Make that difficult decision. Have that difficult conversation.

Today marks the sixth anniversary of the first day I ever had to pick up the ax and fire an employee. It came 11 days before Christmas which, as you may realize, is a really crappy time of year to let someone go. No, I’m not a scrooge, I’m a realist. There will never be the ‘right’ time to let someone go. If they gotta go, they gotta go NOW – regardless of what time of year it is.

Am I being too hard-hearted? Am I exposing my ugly underbelly and revealing the ruthless profit-seeking bastard businessman that I really am? If so, I’m sorry.

Forget that you ever read this weeks message. Go ahead and keep that employee that’s causing all those problems or sucking all your profits away. Revel in the fact that you’re keeping him happy, putting food on his table, putting his kids through college, and putting lots of goodies under his Christmas tree – even if you may be struggling to the same for your own family.

I’d love to hear your comments. Please write them in the box below.


Ron Ipach, CinRon Marketing Group

Here’s Your Most Important Goal For 2010…

December 7, 2009

With only about 3 ½ weeks left in the year, I think you have a pretty good idea how close you came to the goals that you set for yourself for 2009. (You did set goals didn’t you?)

Soooo… how’d you do? Did you accomplish your income goals? Did you get to take more time off? Did your business grow according to your plans? If so, congratulations – what did you do to make it all happen? If not, sorry to hear that – what happened to make you fall short?

If you have great clients who love you, love your services, and understand why they need to maintain their vehicles – and you have a whole lot of them in your database – you no doubt had a great year. If you don’t have a great relationship with your current clients and/or they aren’t willing to spend money on their vehicles – this year was probably a little rough for you.

Notice that the common denominator revolves around who your clients are and how many of them you have. (Yes, I realize there are more factors that could be addressed, but without enough good quality clients in your database, no amount of good operations or management strategies can make you successful!)

So, if the quality and quantity of your clients is a major determining factor on your success, it makes sense that…

Your Number One Goal For 2010 Is To
Attract And Keep All The High Quality
Clients That Your Shop Can Handle

Simple, right? Yes it is!

I’ve always said that the marketing is the easy part. It’s already been created, tested, fine-tuned, and proven by fellow shop owners all over the world. There is plenty of it ready for you to use. And best of all, you probably already have it sitting on your shelves if you invested in my system, or it’s in your notes that you’ve taken while at one of the 43 seminars that I’ve done all over the country over the past few years. And, even better, that huge pile of great stuff is being constantly added to and updated by my coaching members and they’re willing to share the new stuff with you if you’re a coaching member too!

If you’ve never invested in my marketing strategies, seminars, or coaching programs, and/or have no intention of ever doing so, no problem. Make sure to read this message every week to get some ideas. Also, the libraries are filled with books to help you develop ideas, write sales letters or advertisements, help you determine who your market is, and teach you all the basics of marketing – all for FREE!

Having too many good clients packing your shop is way more financially rewarding than having a great management or operations system in place and still not having enough customers to make any real money. Focus on customers and clients first, and the profits will follow.

As always, I welcome your comments. Please post them below.

Ron Ipach
CinRon Marketing Group

Hi. We’re From The Government. We’re Here To Protect You. (***An Important Warning For All Business Owners***)

November 30, 2009

Effective tomorrow, December 1, 2009, new rules from the FTC will go into effect that will limit the way that you market your business if you use testimonials and endorsements in your advertising (and if you’ve been listening to anything I’ve ever said, this should apply to you since you are using testimonials in all of your advertising – RIGHT???).

In a nutshell, here’s the scoop. What ‘big brother’ is concerned with is the use of testimonials that do not reflect the experience of what the average person that has purchased your product or service will have. Lets take for example, the weight loss industry. Can you lose weight if you follow their diet and exercise programs? Absolutely. You can’t deny the preponderance of proof showing the hundreds and thousands of amazing transformations from fat to fit, proven by the emotional testimonials and before and after photographs. But does EVERYONE that buys their products get thin and fit? Nope. The fact is, that most people buy the products and either never use them at all, or they fall off the wagon within only a few weeks and wind up never losing a single ounce of fat. That’s where the problem lies.

The government is now mandating that all performance-based testimonials reflect what the AVERAGE person will get – so in this case, if 95% of the people never use the product or fall off the wagon, the new testimonial will need to look something like this… “I’ve been using the new Ultrafat Busting System for 90 days and I’ve lost 3 ounces of fat and 1 millimeter off my waste size.” Exciting stuff, huh?

So, how does this effect an auto repair shop owner? Here are some testimonials or statements that are probably no-no’s right now (unless you can prove that this is what the average person can expect to get)…

  • “My gas mileage improved 10% after I got the new Vacu-Sucker engine cleaning system service.”
  • “Joe’s Auto Service has helped me get over 200,000 miles on my old truck.”
  • “Thanks to the free lifetime rotation and balance service, I got an extra 8000 miles out of my tires.”

What probably is acceptable (see my note below) is…

  • “I’ve been taking my cars to Jane’s Repair for 6 years and I trust them to do a great job every time.”
  • “The staff at Scott’s Repair is very friendly and helpful.”
  • “I love the free pickup and delivery service that Bill’s Repair provides”

Please, whatever you do, do NOT stop using testimonials in all of your advertising because of these new rules. Remember, what other people say about you is way more important than what you say about you. Take the time to learn the new rules, stay compliant, and reap the rewards. Chances are, your competitors will stop using testimonials and you’ll gain a huge advantage over them.

AN IMPORTANT COVER-MY-ASS NOTE: Keep in mind that I am not a lawyer. I don’t play one on TV. You should never take any legal advice from me – never ever, ever, ever, ever! For more clarification on the do’s and don’ts of these new rules, check with your lawyer or go to Also, if you’re feeling lucky, check out these links to a few other articles that I found about the new rules…

Best, Ron Ipach

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

November 23, 2009

Did you miss me? Sorry to have abandoned all of you, but I took a week off from this weekly message because I was in Dubai (yes, freakin’ Dubai – half way around the world!!) speaking at the Unlimited Power Online seminar with some of the top speakers in the world. (If this is news to you, that’s because I’m being a little more cautious about advertising my travel schedule to all of my 4300+ clients, 1700+ friends that I have on Facebook, and countless other internet surfers. Seems that would-be thieves have recently been taking advantage of the fact that there might be an empty home with some nice stuff in it ready to be plucked. Better safe than sorry, ya’ know?)

Anyway, now that I’m back home, I’ll be posting some of the hundreds of pictures and videos that I took on Facebook. If you’re still not on Facebook yet, maybe this might finally get you to give it a try??

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

Since this is Thanksgiving week, I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank my entire staff for all of their hard work over this past year…

• Jackie, for being the person that actually runs my entire business – without her, I can honestly say that nothing would get done.
• Charlotte, for doing an amazing job keeping the Fuel for Thought newsletter business running so smoothly and providing amazing customer service to everyone that calls.
• Karen, for doing a bang-up job on the newsletters and every other task that’s thrown her way.
• And Heather, for organizing all dozen or so events that I did this year and for her patience with my entrepreneurial A.D.D.

Of course, no business can exist without customers and clients and I especially want to thank each and every one of you that have taken advantage of the opportunities that I have given you to better your business, have taken action on the ideas and strategies that I have provided, and have shared your best ideas with your fellow shop owners that have been struggling. You’ve heard me say it time and time again – I have the greatest clients on Earth and I am thrilled to be part of all of your huge successes.

You’ve probably heard that a business is only as strong as it’s weakest link, and I feel blessed to be able to say that because I do not have any weak links, I have an amazingly strong and highly successful business.

For everyone else that is not included above, I want to thank you for reading this message every week (or at least for reading this one today ☺). Over the past 33 weeks that I have been writing this weekly message, you’ve only been exposed to the tip of the iceberg of helpful information that I can give to you and I look forward to having an opportunity to help you achieve success beyond your wildest dreams in the months and years to come. I have several free and very low-cost marketing ideas to share with you in the coming weeks and months to help you get started. Stay tuned.

Best, Ron Ipach